Friday, December 29, 2017

Multi-colored, multi-patterned shawl

This one uses several of Sarah's Engineered Crochet shell stitches, all with two dc's and three ch. I started with antique rose using 01010, then switched to orchid (lavender) 01100; then to light country blue with the amazingly nice 10001, which makes sturdy diamonds. I got tired of doing it, though, so switched to 10100 most of the way through the blue. The green will be partly 10100 and then 01001. Because they all use two dc's and three ch's, the density of the sections is the same, though the laciness varies.
01001, 10100, 10001 (top to bottom)
Closeup of lavender and blue

Backlit antique rose 01010 and lavender 01100

Closeup of antique rose and lavender

Large scale antique rose and lavender

Sunday, November 26, 2017

More, better

Some more pulled thread work
Three-sided stitch border and eyelets
Four-sided stitch border, faggot stitch (left), and cobbler stitch (right)
Diagonal drawn ground with double chain-stitch border

Three-sided stitch border and eyelets

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

More pulled thread work

Diagonal drawn ground with eyelets and half-eyelets
I'm doing some more pulled thread (drawn fabric) work to see if I can work up something for Mabel's Table, Cousin Diane Hansen's project. This other entry shows some examples of pulled thread work I've done in the past:

I washed a large piece of cream-colored burlap in the washing machine, bagged up in a net bag to control fraying. I tried washing a large piece once before and it simply shredded. Washing before sewing is recommended; means ironing too. Well, I can iron. Later: Ironing done; I've been playing around with sampler-type work. Very rough draft.
Reed stitch

Actual rough draft sampler
Playing around

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Virus shawl - nope

I'm not going to do a virus shawl. It's a beauty, but looks like too much work. How can I say that when I make more or less solid rectangular prayer shawls for church? All those arches of double crochet. Just too much. Here's a pic:

For the shawls I make, I have used Lion Brand's "Delicate Web" pattern several times, James G. Davis's "Mile a Minute" in strips sewed together (this goes very fast), and the binary patterns such as 10101 and 01010 from I also made a nice one with the very old public domain, very oldiamond pattern, likewise a fast pattern.

If I want a lacy shawl, I want it to be LACY, very open, and with many different types of stitches in the different rows. For instance, this and this, which I found on Pinterest and consider the images to be "fair use." They are different patterns.

00100 prayer shawl finished.

Colors in fluorescent light.
Starting a new one in 00100 stitch, which I haven't tried before. It's very open. Makes triangles. Colors: "sage" green, which is a medium light green, yellow, rose, country blue, more yellow and green.

Closeup of 00100 stitch
Colors in sunlight.

Monday, July 17, 2017

New prayer shawl done in 10101 - project halted

Started a new one in Caron Simply Soft "Lavender Blue," a deepish lavender color. I'm using Sarah's 10101 pattern for this one. It is considerable thicker than the 00010 of the last one, but still lacy. It'll probably be striped with maize, rose, and whatever else I have on hand that will go with it. This one is plenty wide and won't need a border like the last one did. Pictures as I have them.

For more information about Sarah's "Engineered Crochet," see

I used up a skein of yarn on this and got such a short piece that I gave up on it and will go back to patterns with two 1's and three 0's such as 01010 and 01100.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

New striped shawl finished

Done 7-8-17. See earlier post for closeup. Pattern 00010 by Sarah of "Engineered Crochet"; border 010101: three rounds in pink, bone, and green.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

"Multiple choice doily"

That's really the name of this doily pattern and how the pattern can be located online.

Friday, June 30, 2017

The cat and the hat

This is one of those hats, done in basketweave crochet (front and back post stitches). It was a lot of fun to work, but made a dense, thick fabric suitable only for winter wear.

New striped shawl, 00010 "Engineered Crochet"

This is done with the 00010 shell pattern from Engineered Crochet by Sarah (q.G.). It is not wide enough so it will require a border.  Here is the pattern close up. I will add pictures of further progress when I get them. The colors are semi-pastels, light country blue, bone, rose, light sage green.
Closeup of 00010. I think this pattern of Sarah's is beautiful
Here's most of it. I'm now working on a border.