Sunday, November 22, 2020

 Pictures of the pulled thread work.

Small ringed backstitch

Open trellis (diagonal raised band crossed)

Reed stitch, not very regular here
Honeycomb stitch

2 sizes of net ground, see backlit below

Double backstitch

Tight Greek cross sitich

Row of knots closeup

Net ground, top over 4 & 2 threads, bottom over 3 & 6, backlit.

Small knot up close

Palestrina knots

Ringed backstitch, with #10 thread above and #30 thread below.

Square backsitch
Three examples of unknown backsttch. Upper left: over 4x4 offset by 2 each way. Upper right: over 3x3 offset by 2 each way. Lower right: over 3x3 offset by 1 each way.