Part of sampler |
On the sampler: Top row: Double back stitch, cobbler stitch, reed stitch. Eyelets and double back stitch squares. 4-sided stitch offset by 2 in each direction, 3-sided stitch. Second row: Double back stitch, satin stitch (right angles), 4-sided stitch offset by one in 2 directions, 4-sided stitch offset by 1 in one direction. Third row: Double fa99ot stitch. Bottom row: fa99ot stitch, diagonal drawn ground, 4-sided stitch, double 4-sided stitch. Border: 3-sided stitch.
The large rectangular block is backstitch over 3x3 separated by 7 threads, offset by 1 to make 4-paned "windows." Do not know the name of the stitch. I worked this out for myself from a similar one in Agnes Leach's book; you can see it at the very top and it doesn't look like much. To the right is square backstitch, learned from