Friday, September 4, 2020

Pulled thread work, drawn fabric work, pulled fabric work not the same as drawn thread work

Part of sampler
On the sampler: Top row: Double back stitch, cobbler stitch, reed stitch. Eyelets and double back stitch squares. 4-sided stitch offset by 2 in each direction, 3-sided stitch. Second row: Double back stitch, satin stitch (right angles), 4-sided stitch offset by one in 2 directions, 4-sided stitch offset by 1 in one direction. Third row: Double fa99ot stitch. Bottom row: fa99ot stitch, diagonal drawn ground, 4-sided stitch, double 4-sided stitch. Border: 3-sided stitch.

The large rectangular block is backstitch over 3x3 separated by 7 threads, offset by 1 to make 4-paned "windows." Do not know the name of the stitch. I worked this out for myself from a similar one in Agnes Leach's book; you can see it at the very top and it doesn't look like much. To the right is square backstitch, learned from


Three-sided ground worked on burlap

Several stitches including diagonal raised band (in pink).

Offset four-sided stitch

Diagonal drawn ground on burlap

Left: diagonal drawn ground. Right top: fa99ot stitch. Right bottom: Double fa99ot stitch. Border: 3-sided stitch.

Four-sided stitch ground (single below, double above) with part of 3-sided stitch border

Double offset four-sided stitch

Reed stitch

Double back stitch on left, honeycomb stitch on right.

Heavy chain stitch

Open trellis, above, (crossed diagonal raised bands) and net ground, below, (large and small fa99ot stitch worked in alternate diagonal rows). Single reversed chain stitch worked with #10 thread.