Monday, July 17, 2017

New prayer shawl done in 10101 - project halted

Started a new one in Caron Simply Soft "Lavender Blue," a deepish lavender color. I'm using Sarah's 10101 pattern for this one. It is considerable thicker than the 00010 of the last one, but still lacy. It'll probably be striped with maize, rose, and whatever else I have on hand that will go with it. This one is plenty wide and won't need a border like the last one did. Pictures as I have them.

For more information about Sarah's "Engineered Crochet," see

I used up a skein of yarn on this and got such a short piece that I gave up on it and will go back to patterns with two 1's and three 0's such as 01010 and 01100.