Sunday, April 29, 2018

Honi soit qui mal y pense

I found this printed-for-embroidery linen bridge cloth in my grandmother's stuff when we were tending to her estate in 1977. I embroidered it while we were there in Tennessee, then lost track of it. I thought (and regretted) that it was gone forever to some dump. But it turned up when Clint cleaned out some drawers in the garage.

There are hollyhocks in three corners. The bee covers a stain on the material.
 I also embroidered a butterfly and something that looks like a pupa, but has antennae, to hide a larger stain.
The main motif is two Victorian ladies having tea. I chose the colors. Hence the title of the post.


This is what it looks like when you start to learn:

You get a little better and produce things like this in #10 thread:
Still more improvement:
and yet more work, this time learning a fine thread, probably a size 40:
 and finally, you get where you can do THIS:
and THIS: