Saturday, June 22, 2019

Thoughts about the Internet

These things have apparently dropped out of the collective memory of mankind:

  • Red Label Liquid Paper - I think there was one reference in some antique document. Here is an image. Somebody was selling it on Amazon.
  • old-fashioned Skrip ink with the little well on the inside of the bottle; actually, you can get these on eBay as vintage pieces - for decor? - but they are not available elsewhere.
  • pin-up lamps (there are plenty of sconce lamps you screw into the wall but none that you hang on a nail). These are really nonexistent.
  • pillowcase tubing by the yard - people don't know what this is.
  • Localites, a sect of people believing that no church is valid except theirs because Paul wrote to "the" church in Corinth, "the" church in Rome, etc.; so there should be only one church per city and theirs is it.
  • "Plasticstarch," a kind of starch for your shirts and dresses that held its starchiness through numerous washings.

Rule 34 says: If something exists, there is porn of it. Not so! There is no porn out there featuring geological charts (pre-Cambrian, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Pleistocene, etc.).