Monday, December 24, 2018

Light blue shawl

There was a lot of light blue yarn left over from the "Three Blues" shawl, so I thought of doing one entirely in one color for a change. To keep the boredom factor down, it's in stripes of different patterns. Finished: Feb. 13, 2019. Scroll down to see the shawl lengthwise displaying the different stitches, then a closeup of some of the stitches. The top picture is close to the real color of the yarn.
01010 10010 01010 10001 01010 01100 01010 ...
There are stripes of 01010 in between the fancier stitches to fill it out. Sarah of Engineered Crochet, who came up with these stitches, says that 01010 is mindless and goes fast, and it does; the pattern is not particularly interesting, though.

01001 and 10010 look different, surprisingly. 01100 and 00110 are probably pretty much the same.

The 10001 stripe is slightly narrower (side-to-side) than the rest, causing the shawl to have a very slight inward curve to the edge at that point.

Stitches about 1 1/2 life size. 10010 at top, 10001 in middle, 01010 at bottom.

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