Thursday, March 31, 2016

Seascape shawl

This shawl is using all the blues and greens I can find in my stash, plus maybe some off-white. It is made with the Engineered Crochet Shell Stitch 01010. That is a series of shells where 0 is a chain and 1 is a dc, each anchored at the end with sc in the top of a shell in the previous row, thus
010x01010x01010, and so forth.

shawl with narrow stripes of greens and blues, mostly blue
Start of shawl
Instead of changing colors at the ends of the rows, I am changing at random places in the rows to give a wavy effect, and using the weaver's knot instead of the Russian join for simplicity. I will wash and dry it when it's done to make sure it doesn't come apart. A small swatch using the knot washed and dried just fine, although when I emptied the dryer and couldn't find it I thought at first it had completely disintegrated and been sucked out with the hot air. This didn't seem very likely, and it turned up stuck inside a shirt.
Completed shawl

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